Bit.Trip Wiki
Runner - Commandgirl Video

CommandgirlVideo helping Commander Video in RUNNER

CommandgirllVideo is a character appearing in several BIT.TRIP games up to date, as a female counterpart to CommanderVideo. She was seen standing in the background of BIT.TRIP RUNNER and appeared as a power-up in BIT.TRIP FATE. Since she is the only female character appearing in any BIT.TRIP, it is suspected that she and CommanderVideo have a relationship of some sorts. However, Gaijin has not given any confirmation on this.


  • Bit.Trip RUNNER Background appearance in "Triumph"
  • Bit.Trip FATE Power-Up for CommanderVideo.
  • Bit.Trip FLUX Brief appearance in start of level, "Epiphany".
  • RUNNER2 Playable character, unlocked form the start.
  • Runner3 Playable character from the very beginning.

BIT.TRIP Presents: Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien

In Runner2, CommandgirlVideo returns as a starter character along with CommanderVideo. She has the same exact moveset as CommanderVideo, with different unlockable costumes.


In Runner3, CommercialVideo is a starter character alongside CommanderVideo.
